I’m of the opinion that your front door should absolutely shine! When we bought our condo in Florida, one of the first places I knew I would be giving my attention was the front door. This poor front door is located in a small hallway without much natural light and was lacking a whole lot of…well, everything.

The entryway in the condo is long and narrow and the front door was as plain white as it could get. I can’t tell you how stinkin’ excited I was knowing the creativity needed to beef this baby up. These are the challenges I’m always up for.
Front Door Color
This door looked so puny and super dark to me so I wanted to give it some life. And if you know me, you know paint is probably my favorite way to do that. So I started with a color that I just love love love. It was clear immediately that I was definitely headed in the right direction.

Because I wanted it to be bright so that narrow space could open up, I immediately thought of the color I have on the kitchen cabinets.

Here’s the best tip I can give anyone with a door inside a space like this…go big or go home!! I’m talking about that trim. A really simple way to put some oomph into that door, is by adding a great size trim with bold color as well.
I replaced the original trim around the door and added a gorgeous thick one to give the appearance of a larger entry. Painting it the same color as the door will definitely beef it up!

I’m not finished with the hallway by any means. So stay tuned to how much MORE gorgeous this space is about to get.