Besides our Kitchen Cabinets looking absolutely FAB…the best news is our kitchen at the beach house is DONE!!!!!

My kitchen at the beach house wasn’t terrible before the renovation. But It did feel small and the white kitchen cabinets just didn’t fit my style.

So I had to get creative.
We started by having the the cabinets painted in a paint color that I have never used before on cabinets…. Sherwin Williams Refresh 6751. It felt perfect for a beach house, or really anywhere.

Next I had to tackle the fact that it still felt small. So I pulled out one of my favorite tips..I extended the cabinets all the way up to the ceiling. You don’t want your eye to be distracted by the horizontal line of the cabinets ending before your eyes hit the ceiling.
So we added some framing to disguise the soffit. (The part of the ceiling over the cabinets; sometimes called a ‘bulkhead’ or a ‘fur down’). So, if you paint the soffit the same color as the cabinets, then they have the appearance of going all the way up to the ceiling.

Bold color and disguising the soffit….. two easy changes to take a small builder grade, basic kitchen to a place where we look forward to hanging out and using!

Make sure you go to visit all of my posts to see more of my projects and be sure to follow me on Instagram!
The kitchen cabinet hardware is also super fun…read more about that here!