So many of you have been sweet enough to comment on my kitchen cabinets.
This is what they looked like when we bought our house:
For the record ….I am allergic to white (and addicted to color). White is just NOT my style. The cabinets had to change.
So, I glazed them with a product called “Glacias” by Adicolor. I order it from Kathy Carroll’s Chicago Institute of Fine Finishing. It should be liquid gold for as much as it costs…. but it’s SO DURABLE. It sticks to EVERYTHING. And it does NOT get a topcoat. I’ll pay more for that. You get what you pay for peeps!
I worked on the cabinets during the day while my babies napped or at night after they went to bed. It took me 2 weeks to complete….but was worth every second.
This is my favorite cabinet. I’ll let you have a peek behind door #1. It looks normal from the outside, right?
But inside, it’s full of hardened Play-Doh creations.
One of my BFF’s started it the craze with this cute Play-Doh cat that she made probably 4 or 5 years ago. Isn’t he the cutest?
Then my kids started to make other Play-Doh “stuff”….. and now they are petrified “masterpieces” in my glass cabinet.
We don’t even know what much of it is….
But my kids would freeeeeak if I got rid of them.
And I love that my kids want to be creative.
So our dirty little Play-Doh secret stays behind door #1….
Whatcha got hiding in your kitchen?
I am linking up to Transformation Thursday, Thrifty Decor Chic and Power of Paint Party!
Your cabinets are gorgeous!! Wow!! It doesn’t even look like the same kitchen!!! My kids have their creations framed on the walls around our house. One time I talked about taking out the art work that is up and switching it with new artwork…I broke their hearts!!! Wow! I had no idea! So as we getting ready to move into a new house…I am going to have a art gallery wall in their bedroom…they will love it. I love that they are creative…and I love that yours are creative! Thank you for sharing it makes me feel better about our artwork.
You’ve seen behind door number 1,2,3,4,5…you get the idea… In my kitchen and laundry! And it was worth every penny to let you get a peek!
your cabinets are georgeous! love them! I used the cheapest wagner hvlp sprayer from home depot. the link is on my site!
LOL! That was indeed a surprise! Never thought to save hardened playdoh sculptures!!
An overflow of everything is hiding in my cabinets. I could never do without doors like some can get away with.
Your cabinet glazing is to die for! Is this the right time to yell TUTORIAL? 🙂
That is hilarious! Oh, and the cabinets look great! =)
Beautiful cabinets. That is really a gorgeous transformation.
I love that you keep all the art from your kids….I’ve got some of that behind my glass cabinet door too!
Wow…your cabinets look amazing! The new cabinets add so much warmth to the kitchen. I love how you’ve accessorized, as well! Outstanding job! ~Liz
Love the Cabinets! Just Beautiful 🙂
WOW! This is absolutely without a doubt FABULOUS! love it!!
I enjoy your blog so much. You have many wonderful ideas and they are things that anyone can tackle with some effort. I love your kitchen cabinets. And the PlayDoh!
Your cabinets are beautiful. They look like something out of a magazine or a really awesome blog! (TMBinc) I knocked out the inerds of my cabinets in my kitchen, put in glass and did an expose on everything inside. I positioned everything perfectly for the photos. And then after my post I notice two bottles of Mylanta on the top shelf!! Hilarious! One of the commenters notice the Mylanta blues I had elsewhere in the kitchen! True! I’m drawn to that color!
Play Doh? Oh yeah. I have sculptures on nearly every dresser and shelf in my house. And my boys are the same – emotionally attached to every single little crumbly piece!
Wish I wasn’t so afraid to paint!!!
Beautiful! I love your kitchen. It’s where life happens. I love that you keep play doh behind a door in the kitchen.
Mostly, I just miss you. Let’s hang out.
You are so talented!!!!! Come to my bathroom and do mine, please!!!
What a creative good mom you are. This all takes me back about fifteen years. :0
Your cabinets look great. We had ours glazed a few years ago. I couldn’t stand all the white anymore either.
I love your cabinets! Glazing really brings out the detail of the cabinetry.
Oh my gosh! I have been perusing and I am in awe…UBER talented are you…what a gift for making things gorgeous! But I have to say, that the best thing I saw on your blog is the boys you are raising to be men! Oh, how this world needs them…so, thank you!
m ^..^
Hi Jennifer. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my new blog! I LOVE all your painting projects. They could definetely inspire me. I’ve got loads more posts coming up so do keep an eye out. Just became a follower!
The cabinets look great! I need to paint mine but it seems like such a daunting task but maybe there’s hope.
I love the hidden play-doh…so funny. Sometimes, someone (I don’t know who) throws certain things made from Scotch tape and notebook paper that have been stuck to the walls, in the trash. And then that someone forgets to cover it up. And then two girls get very very IRATE. And then the someone who threw it away quickly and cleverly blames it on daddy. What a jerk.
I love your cabinets. Makes me want to take a brush to mine right now.
It is nice to see something other than white. I love the white in all the blogs, but I really love something different and new. The cabinets are bright yet warm. I love them. I am enjoying your blog.
Love the cabinets – warm and cozy compared to the white…
I have a set of those glass doors in my kitchen as well – never could quite figure out anything good to put in them…
What special treasures! The glaze is beautiful.
Love your cabinets. Can I ask what color you did them in. Mine are a sorta white washed look and I’m tired of them. This is exactly what I want to do to mine and soon.
I just found your blog and I love it! We have the same taste! It is great to find someone whose style i the same as mine and not all white and “cottagey”.
Your cabinets look fantasic! Are they wood or vinyl wrapped? I would love to know how you glazed them.
Jill I am replying to your comment here in hopes that you will see it. My cabinets are MDF… no vinyl. Just MDF and the builder’s white paint that was put on them. I rolled the glaze on and used cheesecloth take most of the glaze back off. Inside of wiping the glaze and giving it “lines” (which I also love….) I actually hit at the glaze. “Pounched” at it I guess you would say….I hope that helps. If not, send me an email from your email and I would be happy to respond.
Very pretty! I love love how your cabinets look now! Very pretty!
Your kitchen looks great! I have been looking everywhere for pictures of a kitchen with glazed cabinets and white appliances so i could see what it looked like before I took the leap! it also looks like you redid the tile and countertop? Was it labor-intensive??
Your cabinets are just gorgeous. Love the glaze. Really makes the kitchen. Hugs, Marty
Your cabinets look beautiful! Although they were pretty in white, they really look gorgeous with the glaze.
They came out absolutely gorgeous!
You are magic with your brush!
Wow -really look AWESOME!!! You did a wonderful job. Thanks for the tips. Kitchen cabinets play an very important role in decoration of kitchen..
Kitchen Cabinets
Hi, Jennifer! My husband and I are in the process of buying a home with floor to ceiling bright white custom cabinetry in the kitchen, which I can’t stand, but thankfully found your blog and the process of glazing! I found a site that sells “Glacis” by Adicolor, but it says it’s clear and can be tinted. Did you buy yours colored, or did you add color to it? We’re looking at doing a bunch of DIY projects to spruce up our new home and I’ve found some FABULOUS ideas on your blog and web site! I can’t wait to hear back from you!
Hey Angie….I wasn’t able to reply to your email. But yes, I order the Glacais untinted and use German universal tints called “Mixol” to tint it. I mix Dunkelbraun with Steingreu. The problem is the glacis is getting very had to get and has changed it’s formula. The reason I have used it for years and years and years is because it is so durable and doesnt need a topcoat. I am not so sure about his new formula. I am strugging with it a little bit. There may be other “over the counter glazes” you could get from Benjamin Moore paint store or Sherwin Williams. Good luck to you!
Wonderful! I love your kitchen cabinet and i am start to same thought.
I’m so proud of you! Your kitchen cabinet design is very good. Thanks for sharing your article.