Back-to-School Photo Idea

So these two kiddos are the children bookends to our family of six.
These pictures were taken in 2019 when our oldest, Noah, was just starting his last year of high school and our bonus kiddo, Ari, was just beginning …
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So these two kiddos are the children bookends to our family of six.
These pictures were taken in 2019 when our oldest, Noah, was just starting his last year of high school and our bonus kiddo, Ari, was just beginning …
When we moved into our new house at the beginning of last year, there was this weird wall that needed to stay there for support… but it was WAY TOO BIG. We didn’t want that wall to block the …
If you know me, you know I. LOVE. SNOW. When I used to work at a 9-5, I hated the snow because I had to drive in it! My job depended on it!!
But now that I have the privilege …
Since our kids were little, I have kept my boy’s pacifiers in the coat pocket of my painting jacket that I wore to job sites every winter.
This was my reminder when I worked in the field in my painting …
Yeah, I know that headline will throw some of you for a loop. Lol. But, it’s true. In my mid-20’s, I waited tables and bartended at a local bar and grill. I found I was an awesome waitress…. I …
So I can’t get this story out of my mind. And usually that means until I blog about it, it’s going to sit there….. bugging me like a strand of gray hair or a picture on my wall that …
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